10 Best Call Center Coaching Software (2024)

Richard James
Richard James
Director of CX, Web | AmplifAI
10 Best Call Center Coaching Software (2024)

Looking for call center coaching software to empower your team leaders and elevate your customer experience?

As a call center leader, you know that coaching is the key to driving real results and agent improvement. But coaching isn't easy.

Team leaders struggle to provide effective coaching due to:

  • Lack of training and coaching skills
  • Time constraints and competing priorities
  • Too much data to analyze effectively
  • Difficulty gaining actionable insights from data
  • Inadequate tools to personalize coaching for individual agents
  • Insufficient resources to recognize and reward agent performance

That's why we've put together this comprehensive guide to the 10 best call center coaching software of 2024.

We'll explore what makes each software stand-out, the limitations of AI, and the key features to look for.

We'll be covering:

Our goal is to help you find the call center coaching software that not only empowers your agents and team leaders but also drives real, measurable improvements in performance, quality, and customer satisfaction.

If you would like to jump to the software reviews, feel free to use the table below.

Call Center Coaching Software Overview
1. AmplifAI AmplifAI leads with a human-led, AI-enabled approach, offering comprehensive analytics and empowerment through actionable intelligence.
2. Convin Convin leverages AI-driven conversation intelligence for comprehensive call monitoring and quality assurance.
3. Observe.AI Observe.AI focuses on real-time guidance and post-interaction analytics, offering robust AI capabilities for performance enhancement.
4. Genesys Genesys integrates customer and employee experience management with its extensive AI-powered feature set.
5. Playvox Playvox specializes in quality management and gamification, fostering agent engagement and consistent performance enhancement.
6. Abstrakt Abstrakt delivers real-time coaching and automated quality assessments, focusing on actionable insights and continuous agent support.
7. LevelAI LevelAI uses advanced AI for quality assurance and real-time agent support, driving decision-making with deep conversational insights.
8. MaestroQA MaestroQA integrates quality assurance with coaching workflows, ensuring actionable feedback and continuous agent development.
9. Cresta Known for its real-time AI guidance, Cresta enhances agent-customer interactions with immediate coaching and feedback.
10. Call Criteria Call Criteria focuses on manual QA and detailed coaching, emphasizing personalized feedback and performance alignment.

Types of Call Center Coaching Software

types of call center coaching software

When choosing call center coaching software, it’s important to understand the different types available and how they cater to various needs.

Here are the main call center coaching software categories:

1. Siloed Apps

Siloed apps are standalone tools that focus on specific aspects of call center coaching. While they can be effective for targeted needs, they lack integration with other systems, leading to fragmented data and incomplete performance insights.

  • Real-Time Assist Tools: These tools provide immediate guidance during calls, such as suggesting responses or next steps. Examples include real-time script suggestions and compliance alerts.
  • Coaching Apps: These applications offer real-time feedback or performance tips operating independently from other systems. Examples include apps that provide post-call feedback based on call recordings.
  • Personal Coaching Tools: Software designed for one-on-one coaching sessions.
  • Chatbots and Coaching Chatbots: AI-driven chatbots can offer tips and answer questions for call center agents on the fly. Examples include chatbots that provide generic coaching advice without personalization based on performance data.

2. CCaaS Platforms with Coaching Features

Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) platforms often include coaching features as part of their broader suite of tools.

These features are designed to complement the core functionality of the CCaaS platform, which typically includes:

  • Omnichannel Communication: Support for voice, email, chat, and social media interactions.
  • Intelligent Routing: Skills-based routing and IVR systems to direct customers to the most appropriate agent.
  • Workforce Management: Tools for forecasting, scheduling, and managing agent workload.
  • Reporting and Analytics: Real-time and historical reporting on key performance metrics.

In addition to these core features, CCaaS platforms may offer the following coaching-related capabilities:

  • Integrated Call Monitoring: Basic call monitoring functionality that allows managers to listen to live or recorded calls for quality assurance and coaching purposes.
  • Performance Analytics: Dashboards and reports that provide insights into agent performance metrics, such as average handle time, first call resolution, and customer satisfaction scores.
  • Feedback and Evaluation Tools: Features that allow managers to provide feedback and evaluate agent performance based on predefined criteria.
  • Coaching Workflows: Structured processes for scheduling, conducting, and tracking coaching sessions with agents.
  • eLearning Integration: Integration with eLearning platforms to assign and track completion of training modules.

3. All-in-One Solutions

All-in-One call center coaching software provides a comprehensive suite of tools purpose built to offer a unified approach to agent coaching. These platforms integrate deeply with your contact center data sources and offer extensive features that cover all aspects of call center performance management.

  • Deep Data Integration: Combines data from call analytics, CCaaS platforms, CRM systems, and other call center tools to provide a holistic view of agent performance.
  • High Performer Personas: Models the behaviors of top-performing agents to guide coaching strategies.
  • Real-Time Next Best Actions: Delivers actionable insights in real-time to enable immediate performance improvements.
  • Performance Intelligence Dashboards: Offers detailed dashboards with a 360-degree view of performance metrics.

The Drawbacks of Siloed Solutions

Siloed coaching software may address specific needs but often lack the integration needed for a full view of agent performance. They handle individual aspects like call monitoring or basic analytics but fall short of offering a cohesive strategy.

Top drawbacks include:

  • Fragmented Data: Data spread across multiple platforms makes it hard to gather comprehensive insights.
  • Inefficiency: Managers spend too much time manually compiling and analyzing data, detracting from meaningful coaching.
  • Limited Scope: These tools often lack the depth to fully understand agent performance, leading to incomplete strategies.

Why We Have Not Included CCaaS Platforms

Many CCaaS platforms include coaching features as part of their broader suite of tools, but these features are typically an afterthought rather than a core focus.

CCaaS platforms like Nice CXOne, Five9, or Verint, are designed to manage an entire call center ecosystem, they create the data that team leaders need to compile and analyze, leaving little time to action the data.

They also come with enterprise-grade pricing, making them expensive and beyond the means or requirements of most BPO's and contact centers.

The top call center coaching software on our list integrates with all of your contact center data including CCaaS platforms to gather insights and turn them into actionable coaching strategies. This approach allows you to benefit from all of your call center analytics data without needing to commit to a full CCaaS platform.

AI-Led vs. AI-Enabled Call Center Coaching Software

AI Led vs Human Led Call Center Coaching Software

We need to distinguish between AI-led and AI-enabled call center coaching software.

AI-led is where the AI is giving the coaching, the feedback, the suggestions, and interacting with the agent in the same way a human coach would.

AI-enabled is where AI does the data compilation, analysis, performance intelligence, and provides human team leaders with actionable insights to effectively coach their agents.

A majority of 'call center coaching software' relies on AI to do the coaching, which is wrought with potential issues and an ineffective use of AI in call center coaching.

AI struggles with empathy, emotions, and complex issues requiring experience, reasoning, and intuition.

Leveraging the AI-enabled approach for compiling and analyzing data to provide instant insights and a comprehensive performance view will allow your team leaders and managers to take the lead and concentrate on the nuanced aspects of coaching that AI can't replicate.

A true call center coaching software empowers the coaches to coach their teams, not the other way around.

10 Best Call Center Coaching Software 2024

We've highlighted the top call center coaching software on the market in 2024. In conducting our review we studied their company websites, online review sites, case studies and the core features each offers against our criteria of the best call center coaching software.

We encourage you to take demo's where offered and thoroughly review each software to find the best fit for your unique contact center requirements.

  1. AmplifAI
  2. Convin.ai
  3. Observe.ai
  4. Genesys
  5. Playvox
  6. Abstrakt.ai
  7. LevelAI
  8. MaestroQA
  9. Cresta
  10. Call Criteria

1. AmplifAI

AmplifAI call center coaching software
AmplifAI call center coaching software

What makes AmplifAI the best call center coaching software of 2024?

AmplifAI is our top choice for call center coaching software in 2024, checking all of the feature boxes you need. AmplifAI offers a comprehensive, AI-enabled, and human-led approach to coaching that sets it apart from the others on this list. By seamlessly integrating with all of your contact center analytics, AmplifAI provides a unified platform for performance management, empowering team leaders and managers to focus on coaching their agents to success.

AmplifAI's unique blend of AI-driven insights and employee-centric design enables organizations to drive meaningful performance improvements while fostering a motivated and engaged workforce. With its deep data integration capabilities, AmplifAI delivers actionable intelligence that transforms coaching processes and elevates the agent experience.

transform call center coaching in two months

Key Features:

AI-Driven Coaching Actions: AmplifAI's AI pinpoints the most impactful coaching opportunities for each agent, ensuring team leaders can deliver targeted and effective coaching sessions that yield the greatest performance improvements.

Auto Follow-Up and Recognition: Automates follow-up actions and recognition based on agent KPI improvements, providing continuous support and acknowledgment of progress.

Coaching Effectiveness Scores: AmplifAI is the only call center coaching software that measures coaching effectiveness, enabling organizations to refine coaching methods and achieve better results.

Performance Intelligence Role Based Dashboards: AmplifAI's Performance Intelligence role based dashboards provide a 360-degree view of key call center metrics tailored to each user's role. These real time dashboards consolidate data from all of your contact center analytics empowering executives, managers, and agents with actionable insights.

Gamification and Recognition: AmplifAI incorporates data-driven gamification elements like leaderboards, badges, incentives and rewards to create an engaging and motivating coaching experience that encourages continuous improvement.

Quality Assurance: By integrating quality assurance into the coaching process, performance improvements are directly tied to quality.

Next Best Actions: Real-time, actionable insights that enable managers to make informed decisions and take the most effective actions to drive performance improvements.

Standout Feature:

AmplifAI's ability to unify all of your contact center data and transform it into actionable insights, including AI-powered High Performer Personas, sets it apart as the only call center coaching software that provides a true single source of truth for agent and coach performance.

Ideal For:

  • Contact center's seeking an all-in-one call center coaching software that integrates seamlessly with their existing tools.
  • Organizations looking to leverage AI to drive personalized coaching, targeted development, and data-driven decision-making.
  • Companies committed to fostering a positive, engaging, and high-performing work environment for their agents.


  • AmplifAI is best suited for brands and BPOs with 16 or more agents.
  • As a strategic partner and centerpiece of your contact centers performance improvement strategy, AmplifAI delivers the greatest return on investment for organizations that value data-driven coaching and AI automation.

Overall as a Call Center Coaching Software

AmplifAI checks all the boxes for call center coaching software solutions, with a comprehensive, AI-enabled, and employee-centric approach to performance management. AmplifAI's deep data integration capabilities allow it to leverage all contact center data, including data from the software on this list, creating a centralized platform for performance management.

AmplifAI prioritizes the development of team leaders and managers, equipping them with personalized coaching recommendations and analytics to become effective coaches.

AmplifAI's cutting-edge patented AI technology and proven success have earned it recognition in the 2023 Gartner Hype Cycle as 'Transformational' Everyday AI. With an impressive 4.8-star rating, over 200,000+ users, and extensive adoption by 150+ brands and BPOs, AmplifAI is the top choice on our list of the best call center coaching software for 2024.

2. Convin

Convin call center coaching software
Convin call center coaching software

What makes Convin one of the best call center coaching software of 2024?

Convin is known for its AI-driven approach to conversation intelligence. By leveraging advanced AI technologies, Convin enhances agent performance, quality assurance, and overall call center operations.

Key Features:

AI-Powered Call Monitoring: Convin uses AI to monitor 100% of customer calls, providing detailed insights into call quality and agent performance.

Real-Time Agent Assistance: The platform offers real-time agent assistance, providing immediate prompts and suggestions during customer interactions.

Automated Quality Assurance: Convin automates the quality assurance process by evaluating call recordings and generating detailed reports.

Custom Reporting and Analytics: Convin provides customizable reporting and analytics tools that allow managers to generate detailed reports on various performance metrics.

Conversation Intelligence: The software's conversation intelligence capabilities include sentiment analysis, keyword tracking, and behavior analysis. This helps in identifying trends and patterns that can be used to enhance coaching and improve agent performance.

Standout Feature:

Convin's standout feature is its AI-powered call monitoring and conversation intelligence.

Ideal For:

  • Call centers looking to leverage AI for comprehensive call monitoring and quality assurance.
  • Organizations aiming to enhance agent performance through real-time assistance and detailed analytics.
  • Businesses seeking to optimize their call center operations with advanced conversation intelligence.


  • Convin is primarily focused on AI-driven automation and conversation intelligence platform, which may not align with organizations seeking an all in one call center coaching software.
  • Being primarily AI-led with coaching elements added it lacks the current functionality to improve coaching effectiveness of team leaders.

Overall as a Call Center Coaching Software

Convin's AI-powered call monitoring and conversation intelligence capabilities can provide valuable insights for call center coaching. However, its primary focus on AI-driven automation and analytics may not align with organizations seeking a comprehensive, all-in-one call center coaching solution. While Convin's features can help managers identify areas for improvement and optimize call center operations, it may not provide the full range of tools and functionalities needed to empower team leaders and managers in their coaching efforts.

As a result, Convin may be better suited as a complementary tool rather than a standalone call center coaching platform.

3. Observe.ai

Observe.ai call center coaching software
Observe.ai call center coaching software

What makes Observe.ai one of the best call center coaching software of 2024?

Observe.ai is recognized for its robust AI-powered capabilities leveraging advanced AI for real-time guidance and post-interaction analytics, Observe.ai empowers agents and managers with actionable insights to improve customer interactions and compliance.

Key Features:

Real-Time Agent Assist: Observe's Real-Time Agent Assist provides agents with immediate prompts, suggestions, and knowledge base articles during live customer interactions. This feature helps agents navigate complex conversations, overcome objections, and deliver tailored solutions, improving overall call quality and customer satisfaction.

Post-Interaction AI: The platform automates post-call work, including QA scoring and personalized coaching plans. By analyzing every interaction, Observe.AI delivers tailored coaching sessions that address specific agent weaknesses and replicate successful behaviors.

Advanced Business Analytics: Observe.ai transforms unstructured data from customer interactions into meaningful insights.

Behavior and Compliance Monitoring: Monitors agent behavior and script adherence, providing real-time alerts and prompts.

Customizable Dashboards: Observe.ai offers customizable dashboards that provide a comprehensive view of agent performance, customer satisfaction, and operational metrics.

Standout Feature:

Observe's standout feature is its real-time AI guidance combined with post-interaction analytics.

Ideal For:

  • Contact centers looking to leverage AI for real-time agent support and post-interaction coaching.
  • Organizations that prioritize compliance and risk management.
  • Businesses seeking to enhance customer interactions through advanced conversation intelligence.


  • Observe.ai's methodology is primarily AI-led, with a strong emphasis on real-time assistance and automated processes, which may not align with the coaching philosophy of all organizations.
  • At present, the platform does not include comprehensive tools to facilitate coaching by team leaders or evaluate the impact of their coaching efforts.
  • Observe.ai's AI-driven approach may not be ideal for businesses that prioritize a more human-centric coaching strategy.
  • The software's ability to integrate data from various sources may have some constraints, potentially resulting in an incomplete understanding of agent performance and overlooked coaching opportunities.

Overall as a Call Center Coaching Software:

Observe.ai's AI-driven capabilities, including real-time guidance, post-interaction analytics, and automated compliance monitoring, can support call center coaching efforts. Its ability to integrate with other call center solutions and provide AI-powered tools to identify coaching opportunities and deliver insights can be valuable assets in coaching agents.

However, when assessed against our criteria, Observe.ai may not sufficiently address the challenges faced by team leaders and managers, such as the need for deep data integration and tools to streamline data analysis. While it offers AI-driven coaching features, it may not provide the comprehensive support human coaches need to be effective.

4. Genesys

Genesys call center coaching software
Genesys call center coaching software

What makes Genesys one of the best call center coaching software of 2024?

Genesys is a powerful and flexible call center coaching software known for its extensive suite of features, robust AI capabilities, and its ability to seamlessly integrate customer and employee experience management, making it a versatile tool for enterprise call centers.

Key Features:

Real-Time Agent Assistance: Genesys offers real-time agent assistance through AI-powered tools that provide immediate prompts and suggestions during live customer interactions.

Coaching Appointments: Genesys Cloud includes a feature for scheduling coaching appointments, which allows managers to organize and conduct coaching sessions efficiently.

Behavior and Compliance Monitoring: The platform continuously monitors agent behavior and script adherence, providing real-time alerts and prompts to ensure compliance.

Customizable Dashboards and Analytics: Genesys provides customizable dashboards that offer a comprehensive view of performance metrics.

Omnichannel Routing and Engagement: Genesys supports omnichannel customer interactions, integrating voice, chat, email, and social media channels into a single platform.

Standout Feature:

Genesys' standout feature is its comprehensive integration of customer and employee experience management. The platform's ability to unify various interaction channels and provide real-time insights makes it a powerful tool for enhancing both customer satisfaction and agent performance.

Ideal For:

  • Contact centers who are already using Genesys cloud to manage their contact center.
  • Enterprise organizations with people and processes to get the most out of the extensive on-boarding process.


  • Genesys is primarily a CCaaS platform, utilizing apps within its cloud ecosystem. This means users are somewhat restricted to the Genesys environment, a walled garden where coaching is not the primary focus.
  • The extensive feature set might come with a higher price point, which could be a consideration for small to medium sized BPO's and businesses.
  • Genesys is not able to integrate all of yourcontact center data, which could lead to missed opportunities.


Genesys offers a range of features that can support call center coaching efforts, such as real-time agent assistance, coaching appointment scheduling, and behavior and compliance monitoring. Its ability to integrate customer and employee experience management can provide valuable insights for coaching. However, when evaluated against our criteria for a dedicated call center coaching solution, Genesys may not fully address the specific needs of team leaders and managers.

As a primarily CCaaS platform, Genesys' coaching capabilities are offered through apps within its ecosystem, which means that coaching is not the primary focus. This approach may limit the flexibility and depth of coaching features available.

5. Playvox

playvox call center coaching software
playvox call center coaching software

What makes Playvox one of the best call center coaching software of 2024?

Playvox offers a robust suite of tools designed to improve agent performance, quality management, and employee engagement. With its focus on creating a supportive and efficient work environment, Playvox is a versatile tool for call centers of all sizes.

Key Features:

Automated Coaching Recommendations: Playvox provides automated coaching recommendations based on evaluated interactions.

Real-Time Agent Assist: Playvox offers real-time agent assistance, providing agents with immediate prompts and suggestions during customer interactions.

Customizable Coaching Plans: Playvox allows managers to create personalized coaching plans for each agent.

Gamification and Recognition: Playvox incorporates gamification tools such as leaderboards and badges to motivate agents.

Quality Management Integration: Playvox integrates quality management into its coaching tools, linking quality reviews directly to coaching plans.

Standout Feature:

Playvox's standout feature is its ability to automate coaching recommendations and integrate quality management with coaching.

Ideal For:

  • Call centers seeking to automate and streamline their coaching processes.
  • Organizations looking to integrate quality management with agent coaching.
  • Businesses aiming to foster a positive and engaging work environment through gamification and recognition.


  • Playvox is primarily an engagement platform with gamification as a primary focus. This may not align with organizations seeking a more hands-on, human-led coaching approach.
  • Playvox relies on Real Time Assist tools as the primary driver of coaching.

Overall as a Call Center Coaching Software

Playvox's automated coaching recommendations, real-time agent assistance, and customizable coaching plans can aid in call center coaching. However, as an engagement platform focused on gamification, it may not provide a comprehensive coaching solution that fully addresses the needs of team leaders and managers.

Playvox's reliance on real-time assist tools as the primary driver of coaching may not adequately support the development of human coaches or address the challenges they face, such as data compilation and analysis.

6. Abstrakt

Abstrakt call center coaching software
Abstrakt call center coaching software

What makes Abstrakt one of the best call center center coaching software of 2024?

Abstrakt is known for its real-time call coaching capabilities. By leveraging advanced AI and natural language processing, Abstrakt provides agents with immediate guidance and managers with call insights.

Key Features:

Real-Time Agent Assistance: Abstrakt offers real-time agent assistance by recognizing playbook points and providing recommended responses based on the context of the conversation.

Automated QA and Call Scoring: The platform automates QA and call scoring, providing instant insights into call performance.

Sentiment Summary and Call Scoring: Abstrakt delivers sentiment summaries and call scores within seconds after a call ends.

Customizable Playbooks: Abstrakt allows for the creation of automated playbooks that ensure agents follow the correct talk tracks and scripts.

Conversational Intelligence and Analytics: The software provides detailed conversational intelligence and analytics, monitor trends, track performance metrics, and make data-driven decisions to optimize call center operations.

Standout Feature:

Abstrakt's standout feature is its real-time call coaching combined with automated QA and sentiment analysis.

Ideal For:

  • Call centers seeking to leverage real-time guidance and automated QA to enhance agent performance.
  • Organizations looking to streamline their coaching processes with advanced AI and natural language processing.
  • Businesses aiming to improve customer satisfaction through immediate and accurate agent responses.


  • Abstrakt is primarily focused on real-time call coaching and automated QA, which may not align with organizations focused on coaching effectiveness through a more holistic, employee-centric approach.
  • Abstrakt may not integrate with all types of contact center data potentially leaving gaps in performance data and recommendations.
  • Lacks the features to empower team leaders to be better coaches.

Overall as a Call Center Coaching Software

Abstrakt's real-time call coaching capabilities, automated QA, and sentiment analysis can provide valuable support for call center coaching efforts. Its AI-driven features offer immediate guidance to agents and comprehensive insights to managers, which can help drive performance improvements.

However, when evaluated against our criteria for a dedicated call center coaching solution, Abstrakt may not fully meet the needs of team leaders and managers.

7. LevelAI

LevelAI call center coaching software
LevelAI call center coaching software

What makes LevelAI one of the best call center coaching software of 2024?

LevelAI is recognized for its advanced AI capabilities and comprehensive approach to agent performance management. By leveraging natural language understanding (NLU) and real-time analytics, Level AI provides actionable insights that enhance both agent performance and customer satisfaction.

Key Features:

AI-Powered Quality Assurance: Level AI's AI-powered Quality Assurance monitors all support conversations across various channels, tagging key moments and evaluating them.

Real-Time Agent Assist: The platform uses NLU to understand what customers are saying during conversations and provides real-time proactive hints and suggestions to agents.

Customizable Analytics: Level AI features robust analytics capabilities, allowing managers to create custom reports, apply filters, and analyze different performance indicators.

Automated Coaching Recommendations: Level AI offers automated coaching recommendations based on conversation analysis.

Semantic Intelligence: Level AI’s semantic intelligence engine interprets customer conversations across support channels.

Standout Feature:

Level AI's standout feature is its combination of AI-powered quality assurance and real-time agent assistance.

Ideal For:

  • Call centers looking to leverage advanced AI for quality assurance and real-time agent support.
  • Organizations aiming to enhance customer interactions through detailed conversation analysis.
  • Businesses seeking to streamline coaching processes with automated recommendations.


  • Level AI's strong focus on AI-driven automation and analytics may not align with organizations seeking an AI-enabled, human-centric coaching approach.
  • The platform's emphasis on AI-led real-time agent assist limits its ability to empower coaches and team leaders.

Overall as a Call Center Coaching Software

LevelAI's advanced AI capabilities can support call center coaching by monitoring conversations, tagging key moments, and offering automated recommendations.

However, its focus on AI-driven automation and real-time agent assistance may not fully address the needs of team leaders seeking an AI-enabled, human-centric coaching approach.

8. MaestroQA

MaestroQA call center coaching software
MaestroQA call center coaching software

MaestroQA boasts robust quality assurance capabilities and its integration of coaching elements. It provides a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline QA processes making it a valuable asset for call centers of all sizes.

Key Features:

Automated QA and Scorecard Customization: MaestroQA automates quality assurance tasks, including screen capture and interaction analysis.

Integrated Coaching Workflows: MaestroQA integrates coaching workflows into its QA processes. Managers can create, customize, and track coaching sessions, linking them directly to QA reviews.

Root Cause Analysis: The platform performs root cause analysis to identify training and process gaps.

Omni-Present Coaching: MaestroQA's Omni-Present Coaching feature allows for flexible and accessible coaching sessions.

Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting: MaestroQA provides detailed analytics and reporting capabilities. Managers can generate reports that highlight performance trends, identify areas for improvement, and track the impact of coaching interventions.

Standout Feature:

MaestroQA's standout feature is its seamless integration of QA and coaching workflows. By linking QA evaluations directly to coaching sessions, the platform ensures that feedback is actionable and impactful, driving continuous improvement in agent performance.

Ideal For:

  • Call centers seeking to integrate quality assurance with coaching to enhance agent performance.
  • Organizations aiming to streamline QA processes and automate manual tasks.
  • Businesses looking to leverage detailed analytics and root cause analysis to drive continuous improvement.


  • MaestroQA is primarily a quality assurance platform with coaching elements focused on quality data. This may not offer as comprehensive a coaching experience as all in one platforms dedicated to empowering team leaders and managers in coaching.
  • Call center coaches and team leaders will still have to manually review data to make informed decisions on next best coaching actions.

Overall as a Call Center Coaching Software

MaestroQA's integration of quality assurance and coaching workflows can support call center coaching efforts by linking QA evaluations to coaching sessions.

However, its primary focus on quality assurance may not provide a comprehensive coaching experience for team leaders and managers. While MaestroQA's QA capabilities are robust, coaches may still need to manually review data to make informed decisions on coaching actions.

9. Cresta

Cresta call center coaching software
Cresta call center coaching software

What makes Cresta one of the best call center coaching software of 2024?

Cresta is renowned for its AI-powered approach that provides real-time guidance, coaching, and automation.

Key Features:

Real-Time Agent Assist: Cresta’s AI-powered Agent Assist listens to customer conversations and provides agents with real-time prompts, suggestions, and knowledge base articles.

Quality Management and Automation: Cresta automates quality assurance tasks such as call scoring and feedback generation, freeing up managers to focus on coaching and development.

Behavior and Compliance Monitoring: Cresta monitors agent behavior and adherence to scripts, ensuring compliance with company policies and industry regulations.

Customizable Insights and Dashboards: Cresta’s customizable dashboards and reports provide a comprehensive view of agent performance, customer satisfaction, and operational efficiency.

Standout Feature:

Cresta's real-time AI guidance and generative AI coaching set it apart. The platform’s ability to provide personalized and timely support to agents during live interactions ensures that every customer conversation is optimized for success.

Ideal For:

  • Contact centers seeking to leverage AI to enhance agent performance and improve customer experiences in real time.
  • Organizations that want to automate quality assurance tasks and gain deeper insights into customer conversations.
  • Businesses that prioritize compliance and risk management in their contact center operations.


  • Cresta's approach relies heavily on AI-driven real-time assistance and automation, which may not be suitable for all organizations.
  • The platform currently lacks features to support and assess the effectiveness of coaching performed by team leaders.
  • Cresta's AI-centric design might not be the best fit for companies seeking a more employee-focused approach to coaching.
  • The software's data integration capabilities may have limitations, which could result in coaches working with an incomplete picture of agent performance, potentially overlooking critical areas for improvement.

Overall as a Call Center Coaching Software:

Cresta's AI-powered features, such as real-time guidance and generative AI coaching, show promise in supporting call center coaching. Its ability to integrate with other call center tools and provide real-time assistance and automated quality assurance can aid coaching efforts.

However, when evaluated against our criteria for comprehensive coaching software, Cresta may not adequately address the pain points faced by team leaders and managers, such as the time-consuming tasks of data compilation and analysis.

While it offers AI coaching elements, it may not provide the necessary tools to empower human coaches-the ones who do the coaching.

10. Call Criteria

Call Criteria call center coaching software
Call Criteria call center coaching software

What makes Call Criteria one of the best call center coaching software of 2024?

Call Criteria is a solid call center coaching software for contact centers seeking a more hands-on approach. Known for its manual QA processes and detailed coaching features, Call Criteria focuses on improving agent performance through meticulous monitoring and feedback.

Key Features:

Coaching Session Dashboard: Call Criteria provides a coaching session dashboard that helps managers identify training needs and track progress.

Custom Scorecards: The platform offers customizable scorecards to align performance monitoring with organizational goals.

Manual Quality Assurance: Call Criteria emphasizes manual QA with human evaluations, ensuring thorough and accurate performance assessments.

Standout Feature:

Call Criteria’s standout feature is its focus on manual QA and custom scorecards. This ensures detailed and accurate performance assessments, leading to more effective and targeted coaching sessions.

Ideal For:

  • Call centers looking for a hands-on, manual QA approach to agent performance management.
  • Organizations that value detailed, personalized coaching and feedback.
  • Businesses aiming to align performance standards with organizational goals through custom scorecards.


  • Call Criteria is primarily a QA platform with coaching elements based on quality data. This may not provide as comprehensive a coaching experience as other platforms dedicated solely to coaching.
  • The manual nature of its QA processes might require more time and effort compared to automated solutions.

Overall as a Call Center Coaching Software

Call Criteria's focus on manual QA and custom scorecards can provide a solid foundation for call center coaching. Its detailed approach to performance assessments and personalized feedback can be valuable for targeted coaching sessions.

However, as primarily a QA platform with coaching elements based on quality data, Call Criteria may not offer a comprehensive coaching experience compared to platforms dedicated solely to coaching.

Features of the Best Call Center Coaching Software

features of call center coaching software

Call center coaching software should include a suite of features to empower all levels of the contact center, including executives, quality trainers, team leaders, and frontline agents.

We use these features as our criteria for reviewing the best call center coaching software:

Deep Data Integration

The foundation of effective coaching software is its ability to connect all your contact center data sources. Seek out solutions that can offer deep data ingestion and can seamlessly connect with your call analytics, CRM, quality assurance, and other relevant systems. This deep data integration ensures that the coaching software has a complete picture of agent performance, allowing it to identify coaching opportunities and provide targeted insights. Without comprehensive data integration, coaching efforts may miss opportunities for improvement.

AI-Driven Coaching Actions

Advanced AI algorithms identify next best actions and recommend the most impactful coaching opportunities for each agent. By analyzing performance data, the software should pinpoint specific areas where coaching can make the biggest difference, ensuring that every session is targeted and effective.

Auto Follow-Up and Recognition

Automate follow-ups and recognition based on agent KPI improvements. After each coaching session, the software should triggers appropriate actions, such as sending recognition messages or scheduling follow-up sessions. This ensures that improvements are acknowledged and further development is continuously supported.

Coaching Effectiveness Scores

Measure the impact of coaching on agent performance with detailed effectiveness scores. These scores evaluate how well team leaders are coaching their agents, providing insights into areas where coaching methods can be improved. This feature helps ensure that coaching efforts are driving tangible results. (There is only 1 software on our list that is capable of measuring coaching effectiveness)

AI Notes, Audio, and History

Generate AI-driven coaching summaries using recorded audio from coaching sessions. These summaries are stored along with historical data, providing a comprehensive view of each agent’s coaching history. This makes it easier to track progress over time and tailor future coaching sessions based on past interactions.

Custom Coaching Forms

Create standard templates that align specific KPIs, behaviors, and notes to every interaction. Custom coaching forms ensure that every session is structured and focused on key performance metrics, providing a consistent framework for evaluating and improving agent performance.

Smart Coaching Goals

Set smart coaching goals that factor in historical trends and peer performance. The software should be able to use data to create realistic and challenging goals for agents, ensuring that they are continuously developing and improving. These goals are tailored to each agent’s unique strengths and weaknesses, making them more achievable and motivating.

High Performer Personas

If it can't identify high performer behaviors, how can it benchmark? By creating high performer personas, the software should be able to help set benchmarks and guide coaching strategies.

Gamification and Recognition Elements

Incorporate gamification and recognition elements to make coaching engaging and motivating. Features like leaderboards, badges, and rewards encourage healthy competition and motivate agents to strive for excellence. Recognizing achievements boosts morale and fosters a positive, performance-driven culture.

Quality Assurance Integration

Tie quality assurance into coaching for comprehensive performance tracking. By integrating QA metrics, the software ensures that coaching sessions address both performance and quality issues. This holistic approach helps maintain high service standards while improving agent skills.

Performance Intelligence Dashboards

Provide detailed dashboards with a 360-degree view of performance metrics. These dashboards consolidate data from various sources, making it easy to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and measure the impact of coaching interventions. They should offer a clear and comprehensive picture of agent and team performance.

By incorporating these advanced features, the best call center coaching software ensures that coaching is effective, targeted, and continuous. It transforms raw data into actionable insights, helping managers and team leaders drive performance improvements and enhance overall call center efficiency.

Benefits of Using Call Center Coaching Software

Implementing call center coaching software in your contact center will offer some serious benefits that can significantly boost both the efficiency and effectiveness of coaching processes.

benefits of call center coaching software

Here are some key advantages:

1. Eliminate Manual Data Analysis

The best call center coaching software automates the data collection and analysis process, freeing coaches from manual, time-consuming tasks. This automation ensures accurate and real-time insights, allowing coaches to focus on engaging with agents and providing targeted coaching.

2. Replicate High Performers

Identify and model the behaviors of top-performing agents, creating benchmarks that guide coaching strategies for other agents. This helps spread best practices across the team, raising overall performance standards.

3. Coach the Coaches

Measure and improve the impact of coaching with tools that evaluate team leaders' effectiveness. This feedback helps refine coaching methods, making them more effective and impactful.

4. Set Smart, Achievable Goals

Set personalized coaching goals based on historical trends and peer performance. These goals are tailored to each agent’s strengths and weaknesses, ensuring continuous development and improvement.

5. Streamline Coaching Processes

Automate and organize the entire coaching process, from scheduling sessions to documenting outcomes. This ensures consistency, structure, and efficiency in coaching efforts.

6. Boost Agent Engagement and Motivation

Incorporate gamification and recognition elements to make coaching more engaging and motivating for agents. Recognizing achievements boosts morale and fosters a positive, performance-driven culture.

7. Comprehensive Performance Tracking

Performance intelligence dashboards provide a 360-degree view of agent performance by consolidating data from various sources. This makes it easy to track progress, identify areas for improvement, and measure the impact of coaching interventions.

8. Real-Time Actionable Insights

Deliver actionable insights in real-time, enabling managers to make informed decisions that boost agent performance immediately.

9. Consistent and Targeted Feedback

Generate AI-driven coaching summaries using recorded audio, and store these for historical tracking. This provides a consistent and comprehensive view of each agent’s development over time.

10. Align Coaching with Quality Assurance

Integrate quality assurance metrics into coaching sessions to ensure that performance improvements also enhance service quality.

10 Limitations of AI in Call Center Coaching Software

limitations of AI in call center coaching software

While there are serious benefits to integrating call center coaching software into your contact center, it is important to be aware of the limitations of over reliance on AI to fulfill this role.

Here are 10 limitations of AI in call center coaching software:

1. Lack of Emotional Intelligence

AI gets a big fail in the cultivation of emotional intelligence in the workplace, and we don't see this changing anytime soon.

AI is not able to understand and respond to emotions effectively, while AI can analyze tone and sentiment, they cannot truly empathize with agents or customers. Human coaches can recognize and respond to emotional cues, providing support and encouragement that AI cannot replicate.

2. Inability to Provide Personalized Feedback

AI can generate feedback based on data and patterns, but it often lacks the ability to tailor this feedback to the individual needs and circumstances of each agent. Human coaches can consider personal factors and adapt their feedback to each agents individual needs (which can change day by day).

3. Over-reliance on Data

AI relies heavily on data to make decisions. This can be a limitation when the data is incomplete, outdated, or inaccurate. Human coaches can use their judgment, experience, and intuition to fill in the gaps and make more informed decisions.

4. Limited Contextual Understanding

AI may struggle to understand the broader context of a situation. For example, it might flag a call for non-compliance without understanding the unique circumstances that led to the deviation. Human coaches can consider the full context with understanding and provide more nuanced coaching.

5. Failure to Foster Trust and Rapport

Building trust and rapport is one of the most important parts of effective coaching. AI systems, no matter how advanced, cannot build relationships with agents. Human coaches can establish trust, making it easier for agents to accept coaching feedback and strive for improvement.

6. Inflexibility in Coaching Approaches

AI tends to follow predefined algorithms and may not adapt well to unique situations. Human coaches can be flexible in their approach, trying different strategies and techniques to find what works best for each agent.

7. Insensitivity to Cultural Nuances

AI can miss cultural nuances and specific team dynamics in a diverse workplace. Human coaches can navigate these subtleties, ensuring that coaching is respectful and effective across different cultural contexts.

8. Ineffective Handling of Complex Scenarios

While AI can handle straightforward tasks well, it often struggles with complex scenarios that require deep understanding and strategic thinking. Human coaches can tackle these complexities, offering more comprehensive guidance and solutions.

9. Lack of Motivation and Encouragement

AI systems cannot motivate or encourage agents in the same way humans can. Encouragement and positive reinforcement from a human coach can significantly boost an agent's confidence and morale, leading to better performance.

10. Knowledge Base and Real-Time Assist Limitations

Knowledge base platforms and real-time assist tools can provide valuable information and guidance, but they do not offer true coaching. They lack the ability to provide personalized development plans, monitor long-term progress, and adapt to the changing needs of agents.

5 Costs of Choosing the Wrong Call Center Coaching Software

The Costs of Choosing the Wrong Call Center Coaching Software
The Cost of Choosing the Wrong Call Center Coaching Software

Making the wrong choice in call center coaching software can have significant financial and operational impacts on the company as a whole.

Here are some of the key costs associated with an ineffective coaching solution:

1. Agent Attrition

High turnover rates in call centers can be costly. In 2023, the average call center agent turnover rate was 38%. The cost to replace a single frontline agent is $10,000.

Coaching software that fails to offer timely or accurate insights can lead to frustration among agents, causing them to leave for better opportunities.

The costs associated with agent attrition include:

  • Recruitment Costs: Advertising, interviewing, and hiring new agents can be expensive and time-consuming.
  • Training Costs: New agents require extensive training before they can start contributing effectively, leading to increased training expenses.
  • Lost Productivity: High turnover disrupts team dynamics and reduces overall call center productivity as new agents take time to get up to speed.
  • Impact on Morale: High attrition can negatively affect the morale of remaining agents, leading to further performance issues and potential departures.

2. Lost Customers Due to Ineffective Training

Ineffective call center coaching software can result in poor agent performance, leading to unsatisfied customers. This can have several adverse effects:

  • Customer Churn: Poor customer experiences can drive customers to switch to competitors, resulting in lost revenue and market share.
  • Negative Reviews: Unsatisfied customers are more likely to leave negative reviews, damaging the company’s reputation and making it harder to attract new customers.
  • Increased Support Costs: Ineffective training can lead to increased call volumes and longer handling times as agents struggle to resolve issues, driving up operational costs.

3. Lowered Performance Metrics

Subpar coaching software can fail to improve or even negatively impact key performance metrics, leading to various issues:

  • Decreased Customer Satisfaction (CSAT) Scores: Ineffective coaching results in poor customer service, reducing overall CSAT scores and affecting the company’s reputation.
  • Lower First Call Resolution (FCR) Rates: Poorly trained agents may struggle to resolve issues on the first call, leading to repeat calls, customer frustration, and higher support costs.
  • Reduced Sales and Conversion Rates: Ineffective coaching can impact agents' ability to upsell or close sales, directly affecting the company's revenue.
  • Increased Average Handle Time (AHT): Without effective coaching, agents may take longer to handle calls, leading to higher operational costs and decreased efficiency.

4. Impact on Compliance and Quality

Choosing the wrong call center coaching software can result in compliance and quality issues, which can have serious consequences:

  • Non-Compliance Penalties: Poorly trained agents may fail to comply with industry regulations, leading to fines and legal issues.
  • Quality Assurance Failures: Ineffective coaching can result in substandard service quality, affecting customer trust and satisfaction.

5. Missed Opportunities for Improvement

The right coaching software provides actionable insights and identifies areas for improvement. Without these insights, a company can miss opportunities to enhance operations and agent performance:

  • Stagnant Performance: Without continuous improvement, agent performance may plateau, preventing the company from achieving higher levels of efficiency and customer satisfaction.
  • Ineffective Resource Allocation: Poor insights can lead to misallocation of resources, such as investing in the wrong training programs or focusing on less impactful areas.


Selecting the right call center coaching software is an important decision that can significantly impact your team's performance, your customers' satisfaction, and ultimately, your organization's success.

Choose a call center coaching software that aligns with your contact center's unique requirements, goals, and values. It should empower your agents with insights and support, equip your coaches with actionable intelligence, and cultivate a positive and engaging work environment.

Invest the time in thoroughly assessing your options.

If you would like guidance in evaluating or comparing call center coaching software, our team at AmplifAI is here to help.

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Improved Performance & Customer Experience
Month over month gains in Issue Resolution,
FCR and NPS;
Month over month reductions in Handle times,
ACW and Hold
Winning additional client headcount
30% improvement in sales conversion
Retaining talented people
8-point reduction in turnover
Improving financial performance
10% increase in utilization


The future of success in your contact center is contingent on how you impact performance in ways that are both immediate and sustainable. And it doesn’t matter whether your agents are on-site, at-home, full-time, part-time, or temporary – you must deliver on performance.

Coaching is one of the most significant tools we can use to deliver on the engagement and performance of our people – but we must develop our processes, our people and leadership skills, and our technology tools, in order to overthrow the pervasive challenges to achieving greater coaching effectiveness and supercharging contact center performance!

Unlock the potential of your employees and skyrocket your ROI with cutting-edge coaching.

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Connect with the authors:

Melissa Pollock Customer Success at AmplifAI

Jim Rembach President at CX Media

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Call Center Coaching

The Comprehensive Guide to Improving Agent Performance

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Richard James

Richard James

Director of CX, Web | AmplifAI
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Richard is an AI technologies expert with over 15 years of experience in guiding brands to find the right software, AI, and UX solutions to solve their problems. Richard has a deep understanding of customer experience (CX) technologies that positively impact both customers and support agents. With a passion for research and continuous learning, Richard is an advocate for technology that augments, not replaces what makes us human. When not immersed in research, you might find him blazing new trails with his wife Tara and their dogs, or crafting culinary masterpieces in the kitchen.

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