This post is excerpted from ICMI's: Introducing ICMI's 2018 Featured Contributors:
Late last year, we issued a call for contributors. We were looking for experts from a variety of backgrounds to help us educate, inspire, and shape the contact center industry. We’re pleased to say that the answer to that call was overwhelmingly enthusiastic, and we’ve assembled an esteemed crew of sixteen writers. What will ICMI Featured Contributors do? They’ll be your voice throughout the year. They’ll answer your burning questions, push you to think about new ways of approaching contact center leadership, and hopefully inspire you with new confidence. Each of these writers will share bimonthly articles on and in our Contact Center Insider Newsletter. We hope you’ll follow along!
Melissa Pollock, Head of Client Services & Content Development, AmplifAI Solutions, Inc.
Melissa Pollock is head of Client Services & Content Development for for AmplifAI Solutions, Inc., a disruptive AI technology that accelerates employee skill- building and boosts engagement and performance through data-driven micro-learnings and predictive coaching & recognition. Melissa spent 12 years consulting for direct and BPO contact centers, specializing in behavior-based coaching transformations, strategy and goal alignments, onboarding and quality redesigns, and content development and training."
Read the full article and view the other ICMI Featured Contributors