Announcing Our Newest Partner, Zendesk!

Robert Cowlishaw
Robert Cowlishaw
Head of Product Marketing
Updated On:
April 8, 2019
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Announcing Our Newest Partner,  Zendesk!

We are extremely excited to announce our integration with Zendesk!

AmplifAI’s integration with Zendesk's powerful customer service suite was built so you can boost solves per day, reduce customer churn... actually, so you can accelerate all of your service metrics. We're so excited, that we want to give you an AmplifAI + Zendesk preview - watch the video below and learn how our integration will impact your customer service performance

Learn more about the Integration from one of our experts!

PS. Enjoy a few drops of knowledge from Zendesk!

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Robert Cowlishaw

Robert Cowlishaw

Head of Product Marketing
AmplifAI on LinkedIntwitter x
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